Saturday, January 3, 2009

it IS about me...

2009 is not getting off to a good start:

January 1: laid around the house and napped. Overall, a pretty good day.

January 2: Seven AM wake-up call from the nursing home where my "father" is currently being warehoused. No one is available to accompany the blind, wheelchair-bound end-stage diabetic to the VA, "can you be there in an hour"? ugh. yeah, I suppose. Also, my wrists are killing me...tendinitis again!

Four hours later, the verdict is that dad will be needing to start dialysis this year. Kidneys at 20% functionality (pending more blood and urine tests). I should be thankful he's on the county gov't's dime, but as Health Care Power of Atty. for a man who couldn't be bothered to take care of himself, much less the children he decided to bring into the world, well, it's small consolation.

January 3: Three AM wakeup call from my left wrist and hand: screaming yellow burning swollen cramping pain! Can't make a fist, can't massage or stretch the pain away. In fact, can barely move the hand. Four ibuprofens, two aspirins, and an hour later, manage to get a few hours sleep until the screaming pain wakes me again. Tendinitis may have advanced to carpal tunnel. I should probably see a doctor, but not at this moment. Also, I am freezing...but felt a bit feverish last night. Awaken at eleven AM to find there is no heat in the house. It is 55 degrees F inside the house. Good news? No fever. Bad news? We are broke. It's the weekend and it will cost at least $200 for someone to LOOK at the furnace, nevermind fix it. At four PM, the toilet decides to overflow. My house apparently hates me.

It is now almost six PM and the space heater has kicked in to bring the temp up to a whopping 57. I am wearing a long sleeved shirt, sweatshirt, fleece jacket, and a thick vest in addition to flannel jammie pants and two pairs of socks. Oh, and a wrist brace (the thought *has* occurred to me that typing is not the best idea under the circumstances, but it's either this or start burning the furniture for warmth and anger release).

I am still freezing. And really really sore.

Saturday, December 20, 2008


So I'm new to this blogging thing. Do I have anything to write about that anyone else would care to read? To blog or not to blog... We shall see if this is becomes yet another unfinished thing I start.